Attention! The rates are approximate, all prices depend on the quality of raw file, amount and complexity of work, skin condition, time frames, type of retouching, your requirements and other things.
Beauty retouching:
Price starts at - $30
Natural retouching style
Basic color correction: exposure, contrast,
white balance, natural colouring
Imperfections and asymmetry iquifying
Retouching of a good skin
Basic hair cleaning (removing only the most stray hairs)
Nude makeup retouching
Whites of the eyes retouching
Basic eyebrow retouching
Retouching of nails with good manicure
What increases the price?
Full hair retouching
Bad skin retouching: blemishes, many fuzz hair, facial hair
Retouching of poor makeup and makeup mistakes including too heavy
foundation, colourful eyeshadows, liner work
Background color changing
Many stray hairs, too complex hairstyles
Artistic makeup
Additional items retouching: flowers, jewellery, beauty products, etc.
Clothes retouching
Manicure retouching
Tape removing
Teeth reconstruction

$40 Retouching: Skin with a lot of imperfections, facial fuzz, makeup retouching, hair retouching, eyebrows, eyes, lips, teeth, retouching, coloring
Full hair retouching examples
Keep in mind: full hair retouching costs up to +100% of the beauty retouching price.

Turnaround time and urgency
Turnaround time depends on the amount of pictures, my workload and discussed before each project.
I can take urgent orders (today, tomorrow, weekends, out of my workload) with an additional urgency payment. Depending on my workload urgency payment can be up to +100% to the order total and negotiated before the particular order.
To know the exact price and turnaround time of retouching your pictures, please send me them via e-mail using any cloud such as Google drive or Wetransfer.